Western Addition – The Blues Evolution

 Posted by on May 21, 2012
May 212012
The Western Addition
Post and Steiner
Hamilton Pool and Rec Center
The Blues Evolution by Santie Huckaby Part I
Sponsored by the Blues R&B Foundation.

The Blues and R&B Foundation has this to say about the mural.

We’ve received a lot of wonderful comments and support from the community concerning our mural. What has particularly stood out to us is the way it affects the youth that pass by all of the time, they look and ask questions. We’re on first name basis with many students that pass by.

The mural represents unity and strength of accomplishments to those who work hard at anything they choose to do. It also shows the dues that were paid by artist for the next generations of artist. However, what’s even more great is that most of the artist on the walls has come from our beautiful city, San Francisco or Bay Area. What a great legacy to pass on to our youth giving them a sense of pride and confidence to last them their lifetime, but also the older generation, being able to remember their part in that struggle that opened doors for many today! A piece of history that should be passed on.

The purpose of this mural and two book project is to educate our youth and enjoyment for those who are interested. With the books, it will pass on information from the pioneers of music. We will tell the story of those who are still alive, but also comments from family members whom represent the artist that have passed on.

We’re trying to implement programs within the SF Unified school district and we have the support of the individual SF Park and recreation sites to have afterschool programs teaching what were writing about even more. Any monies raised from the book will go into a fund to keep these projects going in the school system so it won’t affect any budgets and we will give scholarships to those who would like to further their crafts. We will also be giving instruments to student/adults that need them. These afterschool programs and seminars etc. will be free to the public. An incentive to promote unity and confidence in individuals giving them a positive outlook no matter what their circumstances may be.

  13 Responses to “Western Addition – The Blues Evolution”

  1. Visually wonderful and its mission is too!

  2. The Western Addition has a rich cultural tradition that was terribly disrupted by the “redevelopment” efforts in the 1970s. It’s nice to see that there’s an effort to reconnect younger people with their history

  3. Great post with some wonderful photos!

  4. I was pleased that I knew a number of the musicians, but not all. The Western Addition and Divisidero used to have some great restaurants and music venues. Like Kay said, “urban renewal” sliced and diced a lot of these neighborhoods and made them less liveable. Same thing in Oakland. It does the heart good to see some of this history resurrected in this cool mural. I wish them luck in their endeavors to bring music and local history to the schools. Thanks for contributing to Monday Mural.

  5. I love the thought behind this mural. Makes it look even more beautiful. Art can be so powerful.

  6. Not only historical, but inspirational! What a worthy mission this mural of musicians entails.

  7. Loving the blues mural — big fan of Stevie Ray Vaughn. 🙂

  8. Beautiful mural and I love blues. What history.

  9. Fantastic mural!

    P.S. I’m also a big fan of the Dia de los Muertos and brought some cool stuff from Mexico. 🙂

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