Honoring San Francisco Vets

 Posted by on November 11, 2012
Nov 112012
Shannon Alley
between Geary and O’Farrell
These murals were done in 2011 around Veterans Day.  They are part of the SF Vets Mural Project.  According to their website: The alley will contain murals painted by veterans which will tell their story.  The significance of this alley is that the art regarding veterans is very often done by artists that are not veterans.  This alley will give veterans a permanent voice and presence within the community.  The SF veterans alley will work with all veterans regardless of discharge status, gender, sexual orientation, theater of conflict or time period served.  Any veteran worldwide will have an opportunity to propose and paint their own mural in this alley.
Apparently this alley was chosen because it was where vets come to shoot up.

This mural is titled “Torn Constitution”  It is by Randy L. Figures  USS San Jacinto Desert Storm Crew.


This mural, titled Wage Slave was done by Bryon Parker and LN, KS and DM.

And the lucky few go home by Reuben Santos
At dusk he stood
highlighted as he dragged his cigarette
smoke and ash swayed
thunder flash white
a protective arm cradled his head
he got up, stunned and staggered
and ran way
“Medic” was all he yelled
we are away
as he screams
we checked machine guns
rotated turrets
and looked for signs from our attacker
I am away
away on a Mission
in the compound
run to aid the fallen
and he screamed
the medics cut his clothes
they pick shards from his back
each pick a wince
dust cleared,
and only one was not standing
two medics on either side of him
they sway with his sway
as his back is draped in a red cape
and I watched
and I watch perched
and everything slips away

The last panel reads:
Veterans are the light at the tip of the candle, illuminating the way for the whole nation.  If Veterans can achieve awareness, transformation, understanding and peace, they can share with the rest of society the realities of war.  And they can teach us how to make peace with ourselves and each other, so we never have to use violence to resolve conflicts again.   Thicht Nhat Hanh

The local television station ran a great program about this area, if you would like to view that you can click here.


  4 Responses to “Honoring San Francisco Vets”

  1. I always love your photos of murals and these are very nice and perfect for today.

  2. Well, I wrote a long comment but Blogger ate it. So, I’ll simply say this is a very powerful power for Veterans Day. It deserves careful consideration.

  3. You caught me off-guard with the “shooting up” phrase. These poor troubled souls need more support than they are getting. Sad.

  4. Whomever is the publisher of this article can you please contact me about the content of such. I am the founder of Veterans Alley and do not recall ever talking to you regarding this story.

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